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Class 1 - Chemical Materials

Chemicals for use in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing and fire prevention compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; substances for tanning animal skins and hides; adhesives for use in industry; putties and other paste fillers; compost, manures, fertilizers; biological preparations for use in industry and science.

Class Class Name
1 oil-based compounds for plasticizers
1 oil-bleaching chemicals
1 oil-purifying chemicals
1 oils for currying leather
1 oils for preparing leather in the course of manufacture
1 oils for tanning leather
1 oils for tanning leather
1 oils for the preservation of food
1 oils for use in the preservation of foods
1 oil-separating chemicals
1 oleic acid
1 olivine [silicate mineral]
1 opacifiers for enamel
1 opacifiers for glass
1 organic chemicals
1 organic digestate [fertiliser]
1 organic digestate [fertilizer]
1 organic fertilizers
1 organic non-corrosive fluxes
1 organic silicon resins
1 oxalates
1 oxalic acid
1 oxidation inhibitors
1 oxygen for industrial purposes
1 oxygen in gasified and liquefied form
1 oxygen mixtures
1 palladium chloride
1 paper pulp
1 paste fillers for automobile body repair
1 paste fillers for car body repair
1 peat [fertiliser]
1 peat [fertilizer]
1 peat pots for horticulture
1 pectin for industrial purposes
1 pectin for the food industry
1 pectin [photography]
1 perborate of soda
1 percarbonates
1 perchlorates
1 persulfates
1 persulfuric acid
1 petrochemical fluids used as components in synthetic lubricants for use in motor vehicles
1 petroleum dispersants
1 phenol for industrial purposes
1 phosphates [fertilisers]
1 phosphates [fertilizers]
1 phosphatides
1 phosphoric acid
1 phosphorus
1 photographic chemical preparations

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