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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 1 - Chemical Materials

Chemicals for use in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing and fire prevention compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; substances for tanning animal skins and hides; adhesives for use in industry; putties and other paste fillers; compost, manures, fertilizers; biological preparations for use in industry and science.

Class Class Name
1 starch paste [not for stationery or household purposes]
1 starch-liquifying chemicals [ungluing agents]
1 stearic acid
1 stem cells, other than for medical or veterinary purposes
1 strontium
1 substances for preventing runs in stockings
1 substances for removing polish
1 substrates for soil-free growing [agriculture]
1 sulfates
1 sulfides
1 sulfonic acids
1 sulfur
1 sulfuric acid
1 sulfuric ether
1 sulfurous acid
1 sumac for use in tanning
1 superphosphates [fertilisers]
1 superphosphates [fertilizers]
1 surface-active chemical agents
1 synthetic materials for absorbing oil
1 synthetic molding resins, unprocessed
1 synthetic plastic resins for use in the manufacture of packaging products
1 synthetic polymeric moulding materials
1 synthetic resin plastics (unprocessed)
1 synthetic resins and plastics in raw state in the form of powder, granule, paste, emulsion or liquid
1 synthetic resins, unprocessed
1 talc for use in industry
1 talc [magnesium silicate]
1 tan
1 tannic acid
1 tannin
1 tanning substances
1 tan-wood
1 tapioca flour for industrial purposes
1 tartar, other than for pharmaceutical purposes
1 tartaric acid
1 tea extracts for the food industry
1 tea extracts for use in the manufacture of cosmetics
1 tea extracts for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals
1 technetium
1 tellurium
1 tempering and soldering preparations
1 tempering preparations
1 tensio-active agents
1 terbium
1 test chemicals and reagents
1 test paper, chemical
1 tetrachlorides
1 textile-brightening chemicals
1 textile-impregnating chemicals

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