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Class 1 - Chemical Materials

Chemicals for use in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing and fire prevention compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; substances for tanning animal skins and hides; adhesives for use in industry; putties and other paste fillers; compost, manures, fertilizers; biological preparations for use in industry and science.

Class Class Name
1 artificial fertilisers containing nitrogen
1 artificial planting soil
1 artificial resin emulsion
1 artificial resins for use in the printing ink industry
1 artificial resins in the crude state
1 artificial resins, unprocessed
1 artificial soil granules for plants and flowers
1 artificial sweeteners [chemical agents]
1 artificial sweeteners [chemical preparations]
1 artificial synthetic resins, unprocessed
1 astatine
1 auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives
1 bacterial preparations, other than for medical and veterinary use
1 bacteriological preparations for acetification
1 bacteriological preparations, other than for medical and veterinary use
1 barium
1 barium compounds
1 barium sulfate
1 baryta
1 baryta paper
1 barytes
1 bases [chemical preparations]
1 basic gallate of bismuth
1 bate for dressing skins
1 baths for galvanizing
1 bauxite
1 beer preserving agents
1 beer-clarifying and preserving agents
1 bentonite
1 benzene
1 benzene derivatives
1 benzene-based acids
1 benzoic acid
1 benzoic sulfimide
1 benzol
1 berkelium
1 bicarbonate of soda for chemical purposes
1 bichloride of tin
1 bichromate of potassium
1 bichromate of soda
1 binders for glues
1 binding agents for the textile industry
1 biochemical and biological preparations for use in industry, science and research
1 biochemical catalysts
1 biochemical products used in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture, forestry and for research
1 biological activators
1 biological additives for converting crops into forage products
1 biological additives for converting vegetation into agricultural feeds
1 biological additives for converting vegetation into silage
1 biological compositions that compose yeast for treatment of solid and liquid waste

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