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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 apparatus and installations for the production of X-rays, for medical purposes
10 apparatus and instruments for use in medical diagnosis
10 apparatus and instruments for use in ophthalmic surgery
10 apparatus boxes for surgeon and doctor use
10 apparatus for acne treatment
10 apparatus for acupuncture
10 apparatus for aesthetic and beauty treatment
10 apparatus for analysing images [for medical use]
10 apparatus for application of aesthetic medicine
10 apparatus for artificial respiration
10 apparatus for clinical and medical laboratory use
10 apparatus for cupping, acupuncture treatment, bone-setting treatment and tui-na (massage)
10 apparatus for detection of tissue or cell based samples
10 apparatus for diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular disease
10 apparatus for diagnosis and testing for pregnancy
10 apparatus for diagnostic testing for detection of infectious diseases
10 apparatus for DNA and RNA testing for medical purposes
10 apparatus for electronic aroma therapy
10 apparatus for high-speed cell and/or bead sorting and analysis, all for medical purposes
10 apparatus for inhaling pharmaceutical preparations and substances
10 apparatus for in-vitro diagnosis for medical use
10 apparatus for massage
10 apparatus for measuring blood pressure
10 apparatus for medical analysis and diagnosis
10 apparatus for medical and veterinary purposes
10 apparatus for medical and veterinary research
10 apparatus for medical diagnosis
10 apparatus for medical image formation
10 apparatus for medical rehabilitation
10 apparatus for medical testing
10 apparatus for medical testing and examination
10 apparatus for medical treatment by the use of electromagnetic energy
10 apparatus for performing electrotherapy on vital points
10 apparatus for placing bandages
10 apparatus for resuscitating and supplying oxygen to accident victims
10 apparatus for screening hearing defects or disorders
10 apparatus for screening vision defects or disorders
10 apparatus for skin care and slimming purposes
10 apparatus for stereotactic and computer-aided surgery
10 apparatus for stimulating immune system
10 apparatus for the deposition of electromagnetic energy into tissue by means of microwave energy or radio frequency
10 apparatus for the location and extracorporeal treatment of concretions in the human body
10 apparatus for the non-invasive crushing or disintegration of concretions in the human body
10 apparatus for the regeneration of stem cells for medical purposes
10 apparatus for the therapeutic stimulation of the body
10 apparatus for the therapeutic stimulation of the muscles
10 apparatus for the therapeutic stimulation to the body and muscles, physiotherapy apparatus for rebalancing the human body
10 apparatus for the therapeutic toning of the body
10 apparatus for the therapeutic toning of the muscles
10 apparatus for the therapeutic treatment of patients

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