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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 electric beds for medical use
10 electric blankets for medical purposes
10 electric blankets (for medical use)
10 electric cushions for medical use
10 electric dental apparatus
10 electric encephalographs
10 electric foot warmers for medical use
10 electric hand massagers
10 electric heated back braces for medical purposes
10 electric heating cushions for medical purposes
10 electric heating pads for medical purposes
10 electric high frequency therapeutic apparatus
10 electric inhalers
10 electric inhalers for therapeutic use
10 electric low frequency therapeutic apparatus
10 electric massage chairs
10 electric massagers for medical use
10 electric or battery operated facial, body, foot and hand massage apparatus
10 electric shock apparatus for medical purposes
10 electric skin stimulation apparatus
10 electric steam inhalers
10 electrical and computerized machines for facial treatment and treating human body for therapeutic purpose
10 electrical apparatus for medical purposes and for applying therapeutic stimulation to the body
10 electrical blankets for medical purposes
10 electrical massage appliances for foot care
10 electrical motion measurement devices for determining the position of probes during surgical procedures
10 electrical motion measurement devices for use in computer assisted therapy
10 electrical nerve stimulators
10 electrical skin stimulation apparatus for skin care treatment
10 electrical therapy equipment
10 electrically-assisted transdermal drug delivery apparatus
10 electro medical apparatus
10 electro-aesthetic instruments for body slimming, shaping, lymphatic drainage and facial use
10 electrocardiographs
10 electrodes for medical use
10 electromanometers
10 electromedical and/or electrotherapy apparatus and instruments for slimming treatments
10 electromedical apparatus for magnetic resonance tomography
10 electromedical apparatus for medical purposes
10 electromedical apparatus for slimming treatments
10 electromedical appliances; all for diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy
10 electromedical devices; all for diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy
10 electromedical devices for magnetic resonance tomography
10 electro-medical devices for the stimulation of organs, parts of the body and body functions
10 electromedical instruments for medical purposes
10 electromedical instruments for slimming treatments
10 electromedical systems and their components; all for diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy
10 electron therapeutic devices
10 electronic blood cell counters
10 electronic blood pressure measuring instruments

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