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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 13 - Ammunition & Fireworks

Firearms; ammunition and projectiles, explosives; fireworks.

Class Class Name
13 rifle cases
13 rifles
13 rocket launchers
13 rockets [projectiles]
13 shells [projectiles]
13 shoulder straps for arms
13 shoulder straps for weapons
13 side arms [firearms]
13 sighting mirrors for guns
13 sighting mirrors for guns and rifles
13 sighting mirrors for rifles
13 sights, other than telescopic sights, for artillery
13 sights, other than telescopic sights, for firearms
13 signal rocket flares
13 signalling flares
13 silencers for arms
13 sporting firearms
13 sporting guns
13 sprays for personal defence purposes
13 sprays for personal defense purposes
13 swabs for cleaning firearms
13 tanks [weapons]
13 tear-gas weapons
13 torpedoes
13 trigger guards for guns and rifles
13 trigger guards for rifles
13 trunnions for heavy weapons

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