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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 14 - Jewelry & Watches

Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Class Class Name
14 jewel watches
14 jewellery
14 jewellery
14 jewellery boxes
14 jewellery boxes of precious metal
14 jewellery boxes of precious metal and their alloys or coated therewith
14 jewellery boxes of precious metal and/or stones
14 jewellery cases of precious metal
14 jewellery chains
14 jewellery chains of precious metal for bracelets
14 jewellery chains of precious metal for necklaces
14 jewellery charms
14 jewellery findings
14 jewellery hat pins
14 jewellery incorporating agate
14 jewellery incorporating amazonite
14 jewellery incorporating amethyst
14 jewellery incorporating calcite
14 jewellery incorporating chalcedony
14 jewellery incorporating chrysoprase
14 jewellery incorporating citrine
14 jewellery incorporating coral
14 jewellery incorporating crystals
14 jewellery incorporating diamonds
14 jewellery incorporating jade
14 jewellery incorporating lapis lazuli
14 jewellery incorporating malachite
14 jewellery incorporating onyx
14 jewellery incorporating pearls
14 jewellery incorporating peridot
14 jewellery incorporating precious stones
14 jewellery incorporating quartz
14 jewellery incorporating sandstone
14 jewellery incorporating semi-precious stones
14 jewellery incorporating topaz
14 jewellery incorporating turquoise
14 jewellery made of crystals
14 jewellery made of gold
14 jewellery made of precious metal
14 jewellery made of precious stones
14 jewellery made of semi-precious stones
14 jewellery made of silver
14 jewellery of precious metal
14 jewellery of precious stones
14 jewellery of yellow amber
14 jewellery ornaments [jewellery]
14 jewellery rings
14 jewellery rolls
14 jewellery watches
14 jewellery with diamonds

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