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Class 18 - Leather Goods

Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins and hides; luggage and carrying bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; collars, leashes and clothing for animals.
Commonly used descriptions: animal skins; articles made of leather or imitation leather; attache cases; backpacks; bags; bags for sports; briefcases; card cases (notecases); cases made of leather or imitation of leather; clothing for animals; coin purses; collars for animals; handbags; imitation leather; key cases; leather, unworked or semi-worked; parasols; pocket wallets; purses; reusable shopping bags; saddlery; school bags; slings for carrying infants; suitcases; trunks (luggage); umbrellas; vanity cases (sold empty); waist bags; walking sticks; whips;
Class Class Name
18 furniture coverings of leather
18 furniture coverings of leather or imitations of leather
18 furs
18 furs [sold in bulk]
18 fur-skins
18 game bags [hunting accessories]
18 gardening bags
18 gardening cases
18 gardening pouches
18 garment bags for travel
18 garment carriers
18 girths of leather
18 goldbeaters' skin
18 golf shoes bags
18 golf umbrellas
18 goods made of animal skins
18 goods made of furs
18 goods made of hides
18 goods made of imitations of leather
18 goods made of leather
18 grips for holding shopping bags
18 gymnastic bags
18 halters
18 handbag frames
18 handbags
18 handbags for notebook computers [not adapted]
18 handbags for sports
18 handbags frames
18 handbags [leather]
18 handbags made of animal skins
18 handbags made of fur
18 handbags made of hides
18 handbags made of imitations of leather
18 handbags made of leather
18 hand-carry bags
18 handles for umbrellas
18 handles of canes
18 handles of walking-sticks
18 handles (suitcase-)
18 harness
18 harness fittings
18 harness for animals
18 harness for carrying babies
18 harness straps
18 harness traces
18 hat boxes
18 hat boxes for travel
18 hat boxes of leather
18 hat boxes of leather or imitation leather
18 hat cases

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