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Class 23 - Yarns & Threads

Yarns and threads, for textile use.

Class Class Name
23 synthetic yarn
23 synthetic yarn for textile use
23 textile filaments (threads)
23 textile thread
23 textile thread and yarn
23 thread
23 thread and yarn for textile use
23 thread and yarn made of chenille
23 thread and yarn made of coir
23 thread and yarn made of cotton
23 thread and yarn made of darning
23 thread and yarn made of elastic fibres
23 thread and yarn made of fiberglass
23 thread and yarn made of hemp
23 thread and yarn made of jute
23 thread and yarn made of linen
23 thread and yarn made of rayon
23 thread and yarn made of rubber
23 thread and yarn made of silk
23 thread and yarn made of spun and wool fibres
23 thread and yarn made of synthetic materials
23 thread and yarn made of wool
23 thread for textile use
23 thread for textiles
23 thread made of ceramics
23 thread of metal for embroidery
23 threads of plastic materials for textile use
23 twisted thread
23 untwisted fiberglass yarn
23 wool and woollen thread
23 woollen thread
23 woollen thread and yarn
23 woollen yarn
23 worsted
23 yarn
23 yarn and thread for textile purposes
23 yarn and thread for textile use
23 yarn for textile use
23 yarn made of polyester materials

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