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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 30 - Instant Food

Coffee, tea, cocoa and substitutes therefor; rice, pasta and noodles; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; chocolate; ice cream, sorbets and other edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, seasonings, spices, preserved herbs; vinegar, sauces and other condiments; ice (frozen water).
Commonly used descriptions: biscuits; bread; cereal preparations; chocolate; cocoa; coffee; coffee substitutes; condiments; confectionery; crystallized rock sugar; desserts (confectionery); dumplings; edible ices; farinaceous foods; food mixes for making desserts (confectionery); herbal tea [other than for medical use]; honey; ice cream; noodles; pasta; rice; royal jelly for human consumption, other than for medical use; sago; sauces [condiments]; slimming tea, not for medical purpose; sugar; tapioca; tea; vinegar; yeast;
Class Class Name
30 chocolate candy
30 chocolate candy with fillings
30 chocolate chips
30 chocolate coated macadamia nuts
30 chocolate coated nuts
30 chocolate coating
30 chocolate coating for dried fruits
30 chocolate coffee
30 chocolate confectionery
30 chocolate covered crackers
30 chocolate covered nuts
30 chocolate creams
30 chocolate decorations for cakes
30 chocolate decorations for confectionery items
30 chocolate drink preparations
30 chocolate drinks
30 chocolate eggs
30 chocolate extracts
30 chocolate fillings for bakery products
30 chocolate fillings for pies and cakes
30 chocolate flavored beverages
30 chocolate flavorings
30 chocolate mousses
30 chocolate pastries
30 chocolate sauce
30 chocolate shells
30 chocolate spreads containing nuts
30 chocolate spreads for use on bread
30 chocolate syrups
30 chocolate toppings
30 chocolate truffles
30 chocolate vermicelli
30 chocolate-based beverages
30 chocolate-based products
30 chocolate-based spreads
30 chocolate-coated nuts
30 chocolates in the form of seashells
30 chocolatines
30 chow-chow [condiment]
30 chutneys [condiments]
30 cinnamon [spice]
30 cloves [spice]
30 cocoa
30 cocoa beverages
30 cocoa beverages with milk
30 cocoa powder
30 cocoa-based beverages
30 coconut macaroons
30 coffee
30 coffee beans

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