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Class 31 - Feed & Seeds

Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt.

Class Class Name
31 edible sesame, unprocessed
31 edible treats for pets
31 eggs for hatching
31 eggs for hatching, fertilised
31 eggs for hatching, fertilized
31 feed for aquatic animals
31 feed for birds, not for veterinary use
31 feed for livestock
31 feed for pigeons
31 feed for poultry
31 feeding blocks for fish and aquatic animals
31 fertilised eggs for hatching
31 fish and bone meal for animal feeds
31 fish feed
31 fish food
31 fish for food [live]
31 fish, live
31 fish meal for animal consumption
31 fish meal for animal feed
31 fish [not for food]
31 fish, not used for food
31 fish spawn
31 fishing bait, live
31 flax meal [fodder]
31 flaxseed for animal consumption
31 flaxseed meal for animal consumption
31 floral decorations [dried]
31 flower bulbs
31 flower bulbs and corms
31 flower cuttings
31 flower petals
31 flower seeds
31 flower wreath
31 flowers
31 flowers arrangements
31 flowers, dried, for decoration
31 flowers for landscaping and controlling the erosion; all being organically grown or prepared from natural plant products
31 flowers, natural
31 fodder
31 foliage plants
31 food containing bulbs for animals
31 food containing fungi for animals
31 food containing herbs for animals
31 food containing natural plants for animals
31 food containing roots for animals
31 food containing seeds for animals
31 food containing tree bark for animals
31 food for animals
31 food for cats
31 food for dogs

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