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Class 32 - Beers & Drinks

Beers; non-alcoholic beverages; mineral and aerated waters; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages.
Commonly used descriptions: aerated water; beer; carbonated water; cider, non-alcoholic; cocktails, non-alcoholic; distilled water for drinking; essences for making non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages; fruit juice; fruit juice concentrates; fruit punches; ginger ale; isotonic drinks; lemonades; malt wort; non-alcoholic aerated drinks; non-alcoholic beverages; packaged drinking water; preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages; smoothies; soda water; soft drinks; sports drinks; spring waters (beverages); syrups for making non-alcoholic beverages; tomato juice (beverage); vegetable drinks; vegetable juice (beverage); waters [beverages]; whey beverages;
Class Class Name
32 syrups, extracts and essences and other preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages [except essential oils]
32 syrups, extracts and essences for making non-alcoholic beverages
32 syrups for beverages
32 syrups for drinks
32 syrups for lemonade
32 syrups for making beverages
32 syrups for making fruit drinks
32 syrups for making soft drinks
32 syrups for the preparation of apple-flavoured soft drinks
32 syrups for the preparation of grape-flavoured soft drinks
32 syrups or powder for use in the preparation of beverages
32 syrups or powder used in the preparation of sport drinks
32 syrups, powder and other preparations for making beverages
32 syrups powder and preparations for use in making soft drinks
32 syrups, powder, concentrates and effervescent tablets for making non-alcoholic drinks and beverages
32 table waters
32 tomato juice
32 tomato juice [beverage]
32 tomato juice for beverages
32 vegetable beverages
32 vegetable drinks
32 vegetable flavoured drinks
32 vegetable juice
32 vegetable juice and drinks
32 vegetable juice for beverages
32 vegetable juice [not for cooking]
32 vegetable juices [beverages]
32 vegetable nectars [non-alcoholic]
32 vegetable-based beverages
32 waters [beverages]
32 whey beverages
32 whey-based beverages

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