CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 36 - Financial & Property

Financial, monetary and banking services; insurance services; real estate services.
Commonly used descriptions: antique evaluation; apartment house management services; asset appraisal; banking; brokerage of real estate; charitable fund raising; currency exchange services; currency trading services; debt collection agency services; electronic money transfer services; electronic payment services; evaluation of real estate; financial analysis; financial consultancy; financial consultancy services; financial evaluation services; financial management services; financial services; financing of loans; guarantee services; hire-purchase financing; insurance; insurance brokerage services; investment services; pawnbrokerage; provident fund services; provision of financial information; rental of flats; trading of securities; trusteeship services;
Class Class Name
36 agencies for trading of securities and overseas market securities future
36 agencies for trading of securities and securities index futures
36 agencies for trading of securities, securities index future and securities options
36 agencies for trading of securities, securities index future, securities options and overseas market securities future
36 agency services for bond subscriptions
36 agency services for bonds, stocks and securities
36 agency services for buying and selling of government bond certificates
36 agency services for buying and selling real estates and buildings
36 agency services for buying, selling and storing gold bullion
36 agency services for casualty insurance
36 agency services for credit card issuance
36 agency services for finalizing life insurance contracts
36 agency services for finalizing of property insurance
36 agency services for financial assets
36 agency services for futures or options trading relating to government bond certificates and foreign government bond certificates
36 agency services for land acquisition
36 agency services for leasing of building
36 agency services for payment of insurance premiums on behalf of policy holders
36 agency services for payment of paid-in capital on stocks, stock dividends, or principal and interest on bonds and debentures
36 agency services for securities
36 agency services for the buying and selling, on commission, of real property
36 agency services for the leasing of real estate property
36 agency services for the selling, on commission, of real property
36 agency services in relation to leasing of land
36 agency services relating to insurance, financial, banking or real estate matters
36 analysing financial information and/or insurance information by using algorithms
36 analysing financial information and/or insurance information by using statistical models
36 analysis of finance
36 analysis of financial and/or insurance information relating to shipment of goods
36 analysis of financial information
36 analysis of financial markets
36 analysis of insurance information
36 analysis of securities markets and models
36 analysis of stock exchange information
36 analysis services in the fields of annuities and college saving plans
36 analysis services relating to foreign exchange markets and stock markets
36 analyzing financial data
36 annuity underwriting
36 antique appraisal
36 apartment brokerage
36 apartment building management
36 apartment house management
36 apartment house management services
36 apartment housing management
36 appraisal and evaluation of buildings and land
36 appraisal for insurance purposes
36 appraisal of diamond products, jewelry and precious stones
36 appraisal of financial transactions
36 appraisal of personal property and real estate
36 appraisal of real estate

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