CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 36 - Financial & Property

Financial, monetary and banking services; insurance services; real estate services.
Commonly used descriptions: antique evaluation; apartment house management services; asset appraisal; banking; brokerage of real estate; charitable fund raising; currency exchange services; currency trading services; debt collection agency services; electronic money transfer services; electronic payment services; evaluation of real estate; financial analysis; financial consultancy; financial consultancy services; financial evaluation services; financial management services; financial services; financing of loans; guarantee services; hire-purchase financing; insurance; insurance brokerage services; investment services; pawnbrokerage; provident fund services; provision of financial information; rental of flats; trading of securities; trusteeship services;
Class Class Name
36 brokerage for sales of traveler's checks
36 brokerage for securities trading
36 brokerage for securities trading in foreign securities markets
36 brokerage for trading of financial instruments
36 brokerage for trading of securities, securities index futures, securities options and overseas market securities futures
36 brokerage for trading of stocks, bonds and commodity futures
36 brokerage in the fields of securities, mutual funds and annuities
36 brokerage in the fields of stocks, commodities and bonds
36 brokerage of bonds
36 brokerage of bonds, securities, commodities and futures
36 brokerage of buildings
36 brokerage of bullion
36 brokerage of carbon credits
36 brokerage of commodity futures
36 brokerage of currency
36 brokerage of futures
36 brokerage of futures contracts
36 brokerage of gold bars and coins
36 brokerage of government bond certificates
36 brokerage of insurance
36 brokerage of land
36 brokerage of life insurance contracts
36 brokerage of precious metals
36 brokerage of real estate
36 brokerage of securities
36 brokerage of securities and securities index futures
36 brokerage of securities, securities index futures and securities options
36 brokerage of securities through an Internet web site
36 brokerage of shares
36 brokerage relating to real estates
36 brokerage services for government bonds and other financial instruments
36 brokerage services for securities
36 brokerage services for stocks and bonds
36 brokerage services in financial markets and futures markets
36 brokerage services in the field of commodities
36 brokerage services in the field of financial instruments
36 brokerage services in the field of mutual funds
36 brokerage services in the field of securities
36 brokerage services relating to commodities
36 brokerage services relating to commodities, futures, insurance, real estate, mutual funds, stock, bonds and securities
36 brokerage services relating to equities
36 brokerage services relating to foreign exchange
36 brokerage services relating to global equities
36 brokerage services relating to insurance
36 brokerage services relating to liquefied petroleum
36 brokering of equities and foreign exchange
36 brokering of futures funds
36 building and estate management
36 building and real estate management
36 building leasing

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