CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 building repair
37 building sealing
37 building services
37 burglar alarm installation and repair
37 burner maintenance and repair
37 cabin cleaning services
37 cable laying
37 car cleaning services
37 car inspection prior to repair or maintenance
37 car lubrication services
37 car maintenance
37 car valet services
37 carpentry
37 carpentry services
37 carpet and floor cleaning services
37 carpet cleaning
37 carpet fitting
37 carpet, floor and wall covering installation services
37 carpet laying
37 cell phone battery charging services
37 charging of electric vehicles
37 chimney sweeping
37 civil construction services
37 civil engineering construction
37 civil engineering [construction] consultancy
37 cleaning of aircraft and airport facilities
37 cleaning of aircraft, flight deck and cabin windows
37 cleaning of airport (both exterior and interior)
37 cleaning of bath boiler
37 cleaning of bath tubs
37 cleaning of buildings
37 cleaning of buildings (exterior and interior)
37 cleaning of buildings [exterior surface]
37 cleaning of buildings [interior]
37 cleaning of buildings (internal and external)
37 cleaning of carpets
37 cleaning of chimney
37 cleaning of clothes
37 cleaning of clothing
37 cleaning of clothing and other textile products
37 cleaning of hotels
37 cleaning of industrial plant
37 cleaning of liquid crystal display manufacturing, processing and production machines
37 cleaning of road
37 cleaning of semiconductor manufacturing, processing and production equipment
37 cleaning of sewage disposal tank
37 cleaning of storage tank
37 cleaning of the exterior and interior of buildings
37 cleaning of the walls of buildings
37 cleaning of toilet facilities

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