CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 repair of clothing and other textile products
37 repair of computer, and audio and video equipment
37 repair of computer hardware
37 repair of computers
37 repair of construction machines and apparatus
37 repair of consumer electric appliances
37 repair of cooking apparatus for industrial purposes
37 repair of cooking heaters
37 repair of cooking pots and pans
37 repair of defective building
37 repair of dental and medical apparatus and instruments
37 repair of dental hand pieces
37 repair of digital audio players, digital visual players and audio-visual players
37 repair of diving machines and apparatus
37 repair of electric apparatus
37 repair of electric lighting apparatus
37 repair of electric locks for security systems
37 repair of electric motors
37 repair of electrical apparatus and instruments for home use
37 repair of electrical appliance for use in motor vehicles
37 repair of electrical communication apparatus and instruments
37 repair of electricity generators
37 repair of electronic apparatus
37 repair of electronic machines and apparatus
37 repair of electronic machines and instruments
37 repair of electronic security, surveillance and monitoring systems
37 repair of facsimile machines
37 repair of film projectors
37 repair of fire alarms
37 repair of fire extinguishers
37 repair of firearms
37 repair of fishing machines and instruments
37 repair of fork-lift trucks
37 repair of freezing machines and apparatus
37 repair of furniture and built-in kitchen appliances
37 repair of game machines and apparatus
37 repair of gas water heaters
37 repair of gasoline station equipment
37 repair of hauling engines and apparatus
37 repair of horological and chronometric apparatus and instruments
37 repair of household apparatus
37 repair of hydraulic loaders
37 repair of industrial dish washing machines
37 repair of industrial furnaces
37 repair of industrial washing machines
37 repair of in-house audio-video systems
37 repair of integrated circuits manufacturing machines and systems
37 repair of jewellery
37 repair of kitchen appliances, toilets and washstands
37 repair of laboratory apparatus

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