CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 disinfecting of telephone hand-sets
37 dismantling of industrial plant
37 dismantling of power lines
37 dredging
37 drilling
37 drilling and pumping of oil
37 drilling for crude oil
37 drilling of deep oil or gas wells
37 drilling of wells
37 dry cleaning
37 dry cleaning of clothing and other textile products
37 dry cleaning services
37 drying of clothing and other textile products
37 earthmoving
37 electric and electronic appliance installation, maintenance and repair
37 electric appliance installation
37 electric appliance installation and repair
37 electrical wiring services
37 elevator installation and repair
37 erection of steel structures
37 excavating
37 excavating, drainage and dredging for construction development
37 factory construction
37 film projector repair and maintenance
37 fire alarm installation and repair
37 fitting of furniture and wooden furniture for living rooms and bedrooms
37 fitting services relating to furniture and locking apparatus
37 floor polishing
37 fracking services
37 freezing equipment installation and repair
37 fumigating services
37 fumigation (other than for agriculture)
37 fur care
37 fur care, cleaning and repair
37 furnace installation
37 furnace installation and repair
37 furnace maintenance and repair
37 furniture installation
37 furniture maintenance
37 furniture maintenance and restoration
37 furniture repair
37 furniture restoration
37 furniture restoration or maintenance
37 glazing (glasswork)
37 glazing services for buildings
37 greasing, lubrication and tuning of motors and engines
37 harbour construction
37 heating apparatus installation and repairing services
37 heating equipment installation and repair
37 hire of building equipment

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