CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 installation, maintenance and repair of lighting apparatus and instrument
37 installation, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment
37 installation, maintenance and repair of water filtering apparatus
37 installation, maintenance and repair of water purification and filtration apparatus
37 installation, maintenance or repair of cooling equipment
37 installation, maintenance or repair of fuel cell generating equipment
37 installation, maintenance or repair of heat pumps
37 installation of apparatus for use in mooring
37 installation of automobile accessories and parts for vehicles
37 installation of car radio systems
37 installation of complete photovoltaic systems for a variety of photovoltaic applications
37 installation of computer hardware
37 installation of cooling appliances
37 installation of data network apparatus and data processing apparatus
37 installation of dental and medical apparatus
37 installation of disc brakes for machines or apparatus
37 installation of doors and windows
37 installation of drainage, environmental control systems and machines, waste liquid disposal systems and water purifying plants
37 installation of electrical and electronic apparatus
37 installation of electrical apparatus and appliances
37 installation of electrical machines
37 installation of electricity generators
37 installation of environmental engineering systems
37 installation of fire alarms
37 installation of fire extinguishing apparatus
37 installation of heat pipes for machines or apparatus
37 installation of heating and air-conditioning systems
37 installation of in-house audio-video systems
37 installation of lifts, escalators, shutters, gates, signs, roofings and pavings for buildings
37 installation of machines in industrial plants
37 installation of machines relating to tyre
37 installation of measuring or testing machines and instruments
37 installation of motorcycle parts
37 installation of optical machines and instruments
37 installation of parts for motor vehicles
37 installation of pipe systems for distributing gas
37 installation of power generating and transmission apparatus and equipment
37 installation of public baths
37 installation of radio and television systems
37 installation of radio telephones
37 installation of roof drainage systems
37 installation of satellite master antenna television system
37 installation of semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems
37 installation of solar powered systems
37 installation of storage facilities in ports
37 installation of temporary structures for exhibitions and trade fairs
37 installation of utilities in buildings
37 installation of utilities in construction sites
37 installation of water pumps and electrical controllers for controlling the speed of motors
37 installation of wireless communications equipment

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