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Class 4 - Fuel & Grease

Industrial oils and greases, wax; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting.

Class Class Name
4 non-chemical additives for greases
4 non-chemical additives for lubricants
4 non-chemical additives for lubricating greases
4 non-chemical additives for lubricating oils
4 non-chemical additives for motor fuels
4 non-chemical additives for oils and fuels
4 non-chemical extreme-pressure additives for motor oils
4 non-chemical fuel additives
4 non-chemical fuel additives for vehicles
4 non-chemical gasoline additives
4 non-chemical motor oil additives
4 non-chemical viscosity control additives for lubricant
4 non-slipping preparations for belts
4 oil-gas
4 oils and greases for automobiles
4 oils for automobiles
4 oils for engines
4 oils for fixed and marine engines
4 oils for industrial purposes
4 oils for industrial use
4 oils for lighting
4 oils for making rubber
4 oils for metal cutting and removal
4 oils for motors and engines
4 oils for paints
4 oils for releasing form work [building]
4 oils for scrub clearing-machines and motor-saw
4 oils for servo control hydraulic systems for agricultural machines
4 oils for servo control hydraulic systems for earth moving machines
4 oils for servo control hydraulic systems for motor vehicles
4 oils for servo control hydraulic systems for tractors
4 oils for surface treatment
4 oils for the hydrodynamic drive for vehicle
4 oils for the preservation of leather
4 oils for the preservation of masonry
4 oils for turbo units
4 oils for use with machine tools
4 oils for use with machines
4 oleine
4 ozocerite
4 ozokerite
4 paper spills for lighting fires
4 paraffin
4 paraffin wax
4 paraffinic gear oils
4 peat briquettes [fuel]
4 peat [fuel]
4 penetrating oils [lubricants]
4 perfumed candles
4 petrol

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