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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 hygienic and beauty care services
44 hygienic and health care consultation services
44 hygienic, beauty and health care for human beings
44 hygienic, beauty and skin care services for human beings
44 hygienic care for human beings or animals
44 hygienic care services
44 hygienic, health care and beauty care services
44 immune modulation therapy
44 in vitro biological analysis services for human beings and animals (medical services)
44 in vitro fertilisation services
44 in vitro fertilization services
44 information, advisory and consultancy services relating to nutrition, body slimming, body health, beauty care and skin care
44 information and advisory services in the field of vision and/or hearing correction
44 information and advisory services relating to diabetes
44 information and advisory services relating to hairdressing, cosmetics, nutrition, health care, beauty treatment and beauty care
44 information and advisory services relating to personal management of medical conditions
44 information and advisory services relating to the use of skin care, beauty treatment and cosmetic products
44 information and consultancy relating to biomedical materials
44 information relating to medicine, pharmacology, veterinary medicine and medical diagnosis
44 information services relating to hair care, hair styling, hair dressing, cosmetic, make-up, beauty care and beauty treatment
44 information services relating to health care
44 information services relating to health care, beauty and gardening
44 insertion of dental implants
44 installation, replacement, rental and maintenance of plants, trees, flowers and floral displays
44 landscape architectural and landscape construction services
44 landscape design
44 landscape design services
44 landscape gardening
44 landscape gardening for decorating exhibition, event and trade fair venues
44 landscape gardening of floral displays
44 landscaping [gardening]
44 laser eye surgery services
44 laser hair removal services
44 lawn and garden maintenance services
44 lawn care
44 leasing and rental of medical and dental equipment and accessories
44 lymphatic drainage
44 lymphatic massage
44 make-up and beauty therapy treatment
44 make-up and beauty treatment services
44 manicure, pedicure and depilatory services
44 manicure, pedicure and hairdressing services
44 manicure services
44 manicure treatment
44 manicuring
44 manicuring and pedicuring services
44 manicuring salon services
44 manicuring services
44 manicurist services
44 massage

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