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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 latticework of metal
6 lead
6 lead seals
6 lead, unwrought or semi-wrought
6 leads made wholly or principally of common metal
6 letter boxes of metal
6 letter plates of metal
6 letters and numerals of common metal, except type
6 lifting slings of metal
6 limonite
6 linings of metal for building
6 links of metal
6 lintels of metal
6 liquid gas storage tanks of metal
6 liquid storage tanks of metal
6 loading and unloading pallets of metal
6 loading gauge rods of metal for railway wagons
6 loading pallets of metal
6 lock bolts
6 lock bolts of metal
6 lock cover plates
6 lockable metal boxes for cash and valuables
6 lockable metal boxes for tools [empty]
6 lockable non-metallic boxes for cash and valuables
6 lockable window handles
6 locked pipe fittings
6 locker handles of metal
6 locking apparatus of metal
6 locking devices of metal
6 locking nuts and clips of metal
6 locks of metal
6 locks of metal for bags
6 locks of metal for sliding doors and windows
6 locks of metal for vehicle steering wheels
6 locks of metal for vehicles
6 locks of metal [non-electric]
6 locks of metal [other than electric]
6 locks of metal, other than electric
6 machine belt fasteners of metal
6 made of metal for shuttering scaffolds
6 magnesium
6 magnet locks of metal
6 mail boxes of metal
6 manganese
6 manhole covers of metal
6 manifolds of metal for pipelines
6 manifolds of metal for pipelines
6 manually operated valves made of common metal for use in controlling the flow of fluid in pipe line systems
6 manufactured articles of cast iron in raw or partially worked state
6 masts and frameworks made from metal

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