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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 bells
6 bells for animal collars
6 bells for animals
6 belt stretchers of metal
6 belts of metal for handling loads
6 beryllium
6 beryllium [glucinium]
6 beverage cans, food product cans, aerosol cans; all made of metal
6 bick-irons
6 bicycle locks of metal
6 bicycle parking equipment made of metal
6 bicycle parking installations of metal
6 billets of metal
6 binding screws of metal for cables
6 binding thread of metal for agricultural purposes
6 bindings of metal
6 bins and baskets made of metal
6 bins of metal
6 bird baths [structures] of metal
6 blanks formed from sheet metal
6 blind pulls of metal
6 blinds of metal
6 blooms and metal materials for railway tracks
6 blooms [metallurgy]
6 boarded platforms made of metal for shuttering scaffolds
6 bolt protectors of metal
6 bolts, flat
6 bolts made of metal for shuttering scaffolds
6 bolts of common metal
6 bolts of metal
6 booths of metal for spraying paint
6 booths of metal for use in the treatment of metal surfaces
6 bottle caps of metal
6 bottle closures for champagne made of metal
6 bottle closures of metal
6 bottle fasteners of metal
6 bottles [containers] of metal for compressed gas or liquid air
6 box fasteners of metal
6 boxes made of metal
6 boxes made of metal and not being furniture
6 boxes of common metal
6 boxes of metal
6 boxes of metal for storing articles and/or materials
6 braces of metal for handling loads
6 brackets of metal
6 brackets of metal for building
6 brackets of metal for furniture
6 brackets of metal for handling loads
6 brad nails
6 brads

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