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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 bypass manifolds and clamps, all made from common metal
6 cabanas of metal
6 cabinet corner protectors of metal
6 cabinet handles of metal
6 cabinet hinges of metal
6 cabinet knobs of metal
6 cabinet latches of metal
6 cabinet locks cylinders of metal
6 cabinet locks of metal
6 cabinets made of metal and not being furniture
6 cabinets of metal
6 cable bridge frame
6 cable grip of metal
6 cable joints of metal, non-electric
6 cable linkages of metal, non-electric
6 cable trays of metal
6 cable trays of metal [other than electric]
6 cable trunking of metal [other than electric]
6 cables and pipes of metal
6 cables and wires of common metal alloys
6 cables of metal
6 cables of metal, non-electric
6 cadmium
6 cage structures and multi-compartmental cage structures of metal for forming bastions and gabions
6 canopies of metal
6 cap nuts of metal
6 cap screws of metal
6 carabiners of metal
6 carbon steel
6 casement windows of metal
6 cases, chests and boxes of metal
6 cases made of metal and not being furniture
6 cashboxes [metal or non-metal]
6 casings of metal for oilwells
6 cask stands of metal
6 casks of metal
6 cast iron
6 cast iron check valves
6 cast iron gate valves
6 cast iron globe valves
6 cast iron pipe fittings and stainless steel couplings
6 cast iron pipes
6 cast iron stop valves
6 cast iron, unwrought or semi-wrought
6 cast stainless steel pipe fittings
6 cast steel
6 casting moulds of metal for badges
6 castings and forgings for steelwork
6 cattle chains
6 ceiling and cladding made wholly or principally of common metal for buildings

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