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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 8 - Manual Instruments

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors.

Class Class Name
8 cutlery [other than for surgical use]
8 cutter bars
8 cutter bars [hand tools]
8 cutters
8 cutters for pruning and trimming
8 cutting discs
8 cutting punches
8 cutting tools and blades
8 cutting tools [hand tools]
8 cutting wheels [hand operated tools]
8 daggers
8 depilation appliances, electric and non-electric
8 depilatory devices
8 diamond cut-off wheels for hand-operated tools
8 dies [hand tools]
8 dies (hand-operated)
8 diggers [hand tools]
8 diggers (hand-operated)
8 dinner forks
8 dinner knives
8 dinner services (knives, forks and spoons)
8 dinnerware (knives, forks and spoons)
8 dispensers for razor blades
8 disposable cutlery
8 ditchers [hand tools]
8 ditchers (hand-operated)
8 draw wires [hand tools]
8 drawing knives
8 drill bits for hand drills
8 drill bits for hand-operated tools
8 drill bits for use in hand tools
8 drill chucks (parts of hand-operated tools)
8 drill holders (adapted)
8 drill holders [hand tools]
8 drill stands (adapted)
8 drill stands for hand-operated drills
8 drilling tips for hand-operated drills
8 ear-piercing apparatus
8 earth rammers [hand tools]
8 edge tools, hand operated
8 edge tools [hand tools]
8 egg slicers, non-electric
8 electric and battery operated hair trimmer for removal of split and damaged hair ends
8 electric and mechanical hedge cutters (hand-operated)
8 electric and non-electric beard trimmers for personal and animal use [hand implements]
8 electric and non-electric depilation appliances
8 electric and non-electric hair clippers
8 electric and non-electric hair cutters
8 electric and non-electric hair cutting appliances for personal and animal use [hand implements]
8 electric and non-electric hair trimmers

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