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Class 2 - Pigment & Paint

Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants, dyes; inks for printing, marking and engraving; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for use in painting, decorating, printing and art.

Class Class Name
2 cobalt oxide [colorant]
2 cochineal carmine
2 colophony
2 color printing pigments
2 colorants
2 colorants and paints
2 colorants for beer
2 colorants for beverages
2 colorants for butter
2 colorants for grouts
2 colorants for liqueurs
2 colorants for textile printings
2 colorants for textiles
2 colorants for the restoration of furniture in the form of markers
2 colorants for ultraviolet and infrared absorption
2 colorants for use in the coloring of plastic molding compounds
2 colorants for use in the manufacture of paints
2 colorants for use in the manufacture of printing ink
2 colorants for use in the manufacture of printing inks and lacquers for printing purposes
2 coloring and dyeing preparations
2 colors [for drawing pictures]
2 colors for painting pictures
2 colourants for stones
2 colouring agents
2 colouring agents for industrial use
2 colouring preparations for foodstuffs and beverages
2 colouring preparations for toys
2 colourings for beverages
2 colourings for food
2 concrete sealers (paints)
2 copal
2 copal varnish
2 copying ink
2 corrosion preventatives
2 creosote for wood preservation
2 dammar resin
2 damp-proofing and water-proofing paints
2 damp-proofing paints
2 decorating paints
2 direct dyes
2 direct dyes for use in the manufacture of textiles, leathers and papers
2 disperse dyes
2 distempers
2 distempers [water paint]
2 drying agents for paints
2 drying agents for printing inks
2 dust proofing chemical preparations [paint]
2 dye pastes
2 dyeing materials
2 dyeing preparations for use in the industrial processing and finishing of leather and leather substitutes

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