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Class 24 - Textiles & Substitutes

Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of textile or plastic.

Class Class Name
24 textile fabrics for the manufacture of clothing
24 textile fabrics for the use of manufacturing clothing
24 textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of pillowcases
24 textile fabrics for use in the manufacture of sportswear
24 textile fabrics made of natural and/or synthetic fibers and combinations thereof for use in the manufacture of table linen
24 textile fabrics of imitation animal skins
24 textile goods for bathroom use
24 textile goods for kitchen use
24 textile goods for use as bedding
24 textile hand towels
24 textile handkerchiefs
24 textile household articles
24 textile lining for clothing
24 textile linings
24 textile material
24 textile material for furniture
24 textile materials for the manufacture of clothing
24 textile mural hangings
24 textile napkins [table linen]
24 textile or plastic curtains
24 textile piece goods
24 textile piece goods for use in the manufacture of articles of clothing
24 textile piece goods for use in the manufacture of footwear
24 textile piece goods for use in the manufacture of knapsacks
24 textile piece goods for use in the manufacture of rucksacks
24 textile piece goods for use in the manufacture of tents
24 textile piece goods made of plastics materials
24 textile piece goods made of wool
24 textile place mats
24 textile serviettes
24 textile sheets
24 textile smallwares [table linen]
24 textile sunscreen shades for indoor use
24 textile tissue tapestry
24 textile tissues for removing make up
24 textile towels
24 textile used as lining for clothing
24 textile wall coverings
24 textile wall hangings
24 textile window blinds
24 textiles and fabrics [woven and knitted]
24 textiles and textiles goods
24 textiles for bedding, furniture, home furnishings
24 textiles for furnishings
24 textiles for furniture
24 textiles for making clothing
24 textiles for making into cushions and cushion covers
24 textiles for wall hangings
24 textiles made of cotton
24 textiles made of rayon

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