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Class 24 - Textiles & Substitutes

Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of textile or plastic.

Class Class Name
24 quilt covers
24 quilted blankets [bedding]
24 quilted textile articles
24 quilted wadding articles (other than for insulation)
24 quilts
24 ramie fabric
24 rayon fabric
24 removable covers of textile for electronic apparatus [not fitted or shaped]
24 roller blinds of textile
24 roller curtains
24 roller shades of textile
24 rubberised cloths
24 rubberised fabrics
24 rugs [travelling]
24 sackcloth
24 screen printing fabrics
24 screens of textile materials for windows
24 seat covers (loose)
24 seat covers [loose] for use in automobiles
24 seat protective cover
24 security tapes of textile
24 self-adhesive cloth labels
24 serviettes of textile
24 serviettes of textile
24 sheets of textile
24 sheets [textile]
24 shower curtains of plastic
24 shower curtains of textile
24 shower curtains of textile or plastic
24 shrouds
24 shrouds [sheets for wrapping corpses]
24 silk [cloth]
24 silk fabrics
24 silk fabrics for furniture
24 silk fabrics for printing patterns
24 sleeping bag liners
24 sleeping bag sheet liners
24 sleeping bags
24 sleeping bags for babies
24 sofa covers
24 soft furnishings of textile
24 sponge cloths [textile piece goods]
24 spunbonded fabrics
24 sun screens [indoor] of textile
24 sun screens of textile material (indoor)
24 synthetic fabrics
24 synthetic fabrics for blinds, curtains, draperies and screens
24 synthetic textile piece goods
24 table cloths
24 table cloths made of textile

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