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Class 26 - Button & Zipper

Lace, braid and embroidery, and haberdashery ribbons and bows; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; hair decorations; false hair.

Class Class Name
26 hair curlers [non-electric]
26 hair curlers [other than hand implements]
26 hair curling papers
26 hair curling pins
26 hair extensions
26 hair fasteners
26 hair grips
26 hair nets
26 hair ornaments [not of precious metal]
26 hair pins
26 hair pins and grips
26 hair ribbons
26 hair ribbons for Japanese hair styling
26 hair roller
26 hair slides
26 hair tassel ornaments for Japanese hair styling
26 hair tassel strings for Japanese hair styling
26 hair tresses
26 hairpieces
26 hairpieces for Japanese hair styling
26 hat bands
26 hat bands
26 hat ornaments
26 hat pins, other than jewellery
26 hat trimmings
26 hatbands
26 hatpins, other than jewelry
26 heat adhesive patches for decoration of textile articles [haberdashery]
26 heat adhesive patches for repairing textile articles
26 heat adhesive stickers for decoration of front jackets [haberdashery]
26 hook and loop fasteners
26 hook and pile fastening tapes
26 hooks
26 hooks and eyelets for clothing
26 hooks and eyes
26 hooks for clothing
26 hooks for corsets
26 hooks [haberdashery]
26 hosiery loom needles
26 human hair
26 jeans buttons
26 knitting needles
26 knitting pins
26 lace
26 lace for edgings
26 lace ornaments
26 lace trimmings
26 laces [braids]
26 laces for clothing
26 laces for edgings

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