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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 28 - Fitness Equipment

Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class Class Name
28 toy animals
28 toy automobiles
28 toy balloons
28 toy banks
28 toy bears
28 toy bicycles
28 toy binoculars
28 toy birds
28 toy blocks
28 toy buckets
28 toy building blocks
28 toy building bricks
28 toy building components
28 toy buildings
28 toy cameras [capable of taking photographs]
28 toy cameras [not capable of taking photographs]
28 toy camping apparatus
28 toy car games
28 toy card game toys
28 toy cars
28 toy computers [not working]
28 toy construction sets
28 toy cosmetics [not usable]
28 toy dogs
28 toy dolls
28 toy dough
28 toy exercise apparatus
28 toy figures
28 toy film cartridges and viewers
28 toy fingernails
28 toy fish
28 toy furniture
28 toy garages
28 toy guitars
28 toy gun holsters
28 toy guns
28 toy houses
28 toy imitation cosmetics
28 toy jewellery
28 toy microscopes
28 toy military machines and toy figures
28 toy miniature model boats
28 toy mobiles
28 toy model vehicles
28 toy models
28 toy musical boxes
28 toy musical instruments
28 toy pistols
28 toy playsets
28 toy pushchairs

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