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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 3 - Cosmetics & Daily Products

Non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations; non-medicated dentifrices; perfumery, essential oils; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations.
Commonly used descriptions: air fragrancing preparations; beauty masks; bleaching preparations; body lotion; cleaning preparations; cosmetics; cotton for cosmetic purposes; deodorants; essential oils; fabric softener; facial cleansers; false eyelash; hair care preparations; hair conditioners; hair dyeing preparations; hair mousse/spray/gel; hand cream; laundry powder/ laundry liquids; make-up removers; mouthwashes; nail care preparations; nail polish; perfumes; pet shampoo; shampoos; skin care preparations; skin whitening preparations; soaps; toothpaste; wipes incorporating cleaning preparations;
Class Class Name
3 Detanglers
3 detergent additives for industrial use in automated and manual washing applications
3 Detergent compositions for cleaning golf clubs
3 detergent soaps
3 Detergent strengtheners
3 detergents
3 Detergents
3 Detergents for automobiles
3 detergents for cleaning bathrooms and kitchens
3 detergents for cleaning purposes (detergents others than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes)
3 detergents for diaper underwear for babies and infants
3 detergents for dishes
3 Detergents for dishwashing machines
3 detergents for domestic use, household use and laundry use
3 detergents for feeding bottles for babies and infants
3 detergents for household purposes
3 detergents for household use
3 detergents for kitchen use
3 detergents for laundry use
3 Detergents for machine dishwashing
3 detergents for removing stains from rugs and carpets having incidental deodorant properties
3 detergents for silk and wool
3 detergents (other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes)
3 detergents, other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes
3 Detergents prepared from petroleum
3 Dewaxing preparations
3 diamantine
3 diamantine [abrasive]
3 diaper rash cream (non-medicated)
3 Disclosing tablets for personal use in indicating tartar on the teeth
3 disentangling balsams for hair
3 Dish detergents
3 dish washing agents
3 dish washing detergents
3 dish washing powders
3 dish washing preparations for use in dishwashing machines
3 Dishwasher powders
3 Dishwashing preparations
3 disposable bathing cloths impregnated with cosmetics
3 disposable wipes impregnated with chemicals or compounds for personal hygiene
3 disposable wipes impregnated with chemicals or compounds for personal hygiene and household use
3 Disposable wipes impregnated with cleansing compounds for use on the face
3 distilled floral waters for the care of the human skin
3 Distilled oils for beauty care
3 Double eyelid tapes
3 double eyelid tapes
3 douching preparations for personal sanitary or deodorant purposes [toiletries]
3 drain and sink cleaning preparations
3 Drain and sink unblocking preparations
3 drain cleaners

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