CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 35 - Advertising & Sales

Advertising; business management, organization and administration; office functions.
Commonly used descriptions: accounting; administrative services for the relocation of businesses; advertising; arranging commercial exhibitions and trade fairs; auctioneering; auditing; business management; business management consultancy and advisory; convenience store retailing services; database management; employment agencies; import and export agencies services; mail ordering services; market analysis and research; merchandising; office functions; online retailing, wholesaling and distributorship; outsourcing (business assistance); personnel management advisory services; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; promotion; public relations; purchasing goods and services on behalf of others; rental of office machines and apparatus; secretarial services; sponsorship search; window display arrangement services;
Class Class Name
35 public relations
35 publication of publicity text
35 publication of publicity texts
35 publicity
35 publicity agency services
35 publicity and business consultancy
35 publicity and marketing services
35 publicity and public relations
35 publicity material rental
35 publishing advertising texts
35 publishing services relating to advertising text
35 purchase and acquisition of goods and services for third parties and other businesses
35 radio advertising
35 radio advertising agencies
35 radio and television advertising and commercials
35 real estate advertising services
35 real estate auctioneering services
35 real estate auctions
35 receipt and provision of computerized business, commercial and industrial information
35 recruitment advertising
35 recruitment agency services
35 recruitment and employment services
35 recruitment and human resources management services
35 recruitment and management of staff
35 recruitment and personnel selection services via the Internet
35 recruitment and selection of personnel for the provision of investment and financial services
35 recruitment consultancy services
35 recruitment consultancy services and personnel recruitment services
35 recruitment of personnel
35 recruitment (personnel) services
35 referral of business management experts
35 registration of written communications and data
35 relocation services for businesses and corporations
35 relocation services for shops
35 rental and leasing of advertising space
35 rental and leasing of vending machines
35 rental of advertising hoardings and billboards
35 rental of advertising space
35 rental of advertising time on communication media
35 rental of billboards [advertising boards]
35 rental of exhibiting websites for advertising purposes
35 rental of Internet advertising boards
35 rental of office equipment
35 rental of office equipment in co-working facilities
35 rental of photocopiers
35 rental of photocopying machines
35 rental of sales stands
35 rental of vending machines
35 rental or leasing of office machines and equipment
35 reproduction of documents

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