CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 repair or maintenance of brakes (for land vehicles)
37 repair or maintenance of burners
37 repair or maintenance of car parking system
37 repair or maintenance of cars
37 repair or maintenance of cash recycling modules
37 repair or maintenance of circuit boards
37 repair or maintenance of coin-operated lockers
37 repair or maintenance of computer terminals
37 repair or maintenance of cooking heaters
37 repair or maintenance of electric communication machines and apparatus
37 repair or maintenance of electric door openers
37 repair or maintenance of electronic door opening and closing systems
37 repair or maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus
37 repair or maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus and their parts
37 repair or maintenance of elevators
37 repair or maintenance of fishing machines and apparatus
37 repair or maintenance of freezing machinery and apparatus
37 repair or maintenance of fuel pumps
37 repair or maintenance of glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus
37 repair or maintenance of hydraulic or pneumatic door openers and closers
37 repair or maintenance of laboratory apparatus and instrument
37 repair or maintenance of loading-unloading machines and apparatus
37 repair or maintenance of locks
37 repair or maintenance of machine-operated parking lots
37 repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer and plywood making
37 repair or maintenance of machines and apparatus for medical purposes
37 repair or maintenance of measuring devices and testing apparatus and instruments
37 repair or maintenance of measuring devices and testing equipment and instruments
37 repair or maintenance of measuring or testing machines and instruments
37 repair or maintenance of medical machines and apparatus
37 repair or maintenance of metal sliding door pulleys or rollers
37 repair or maintenance of metalworking machines and tools
37 repair or maintenance of money changing machines
37 repair or maintenance of motorcycles
37 repair or maintenance of motors
37 repair or maintenance of oil hydraulic motors
37 repair or maintenance of oil hydraulic pumps
37 repair or maintenance of oil water heaters for household purposes
37 repair or maintenance of opthalmological machines
37 repair or maintenance of optical apparatus and instruments
37 repair or maintenance of passbook/certificate issuing machines
37 repair or maintenance of plastic processing machineries
37 repair or maintenance of printers
37 repair or maintenance of pumps
37 repair or maintenance of radio or television sets
37 repair or maintenance of remote control systems for vessel propelling engines
37 repair or maintenance of remote controllers
37 repair or maintenance of safes
37 repair or maintenance of scanners
37 repair or maintenance of self check-in machines

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