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Class 4 - Fuel & Grease

Industrial oils and greases, wax; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting.

Class Class Name
4 tractor oils
4 transmission and differential lubricants for outboard motors
4 turbine oils
4 tyre mounting lubricants
4 unscented and scented candles
4 vacuum gas oils
4 vacuum pump oils
4 valve lubricants
4 vaporized fuel mixtures
4 water pump lubricants
4 water-resistant greases for industrial and automotive equipment and bearings
4 water-resistant lubricants
4 wax
4 wax compounds
4 wax for illuminating purposes
4 wax for industrial purposes
4 wax for lighting
4 wax for skis
4 wax for use in manufacture
4 wax lights
4 wax [raw material]
4 white oil
4 wicks
4 wicks for candles
4 wicks for candles and lamps
4 wicks for lighting
4 wicks (for lighting purposes)
4 wicks (lights)
4 wood briquettes
4 wood spills for lighting fires
4 wool grease
4 xylene fuel
4 yellow beeswax

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