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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 heart pacemakers
10 heart rate monitoring apparatus
10 heart rate monitors
10 heartbeat meters
10 heat dispensing containers for relieving muscle pain
10 heat packs for therapeutic treatment
10 heat treatment apparatus
10 heat treatment apparatus; all for medical, surgical, dental and/or veterinary purposes
10 heating apparatus for medical purposes
10 heating cushion (pads) for medical use
10 heating cushion (pads), non-electric, for medical purposes
10 heating cushions, electric, for medical purposes
10 heating cushions for medical purposes
10 heating pads, electric, for medical purposes
10 heating pads for medical purpose
10 hemocytometers
10 hemostasis valves
10 hemostats
10 hernia bandages
10 high frequency medical apparatus
10 high frequency therapeutic appliances for medical purposes
10 high-frequency healing machines
10 holder for dental instruments
10 holders for babies' pacifiers/soothers
10 holders of feeding bottles
10 hooks for spondylolysis splints
10 hosiery for medical, surgical and/or prophylactic purposes
10 hospital beds for the treatment of pulmonary disease and breathing conditions
10 hospital mattresses for the treatment of pulmonary disease and breathing conditions
10 hot air therapeutic apparatus
10 hot air vibrators for medical purposes
10 hydrogen inhalers
10 hygienic masks
10 hypodermic needles
10 hypodermic syringes
10 hypodermic syringes for medical purposes
10 hypogastric belts
10 hypothermia treatment systems
10 ice bag hangers for medical use
10 ice bag holders for medical purposes
10 ice bag pillows [for medical purposes]
10 ice bags containing cooling materials used for pain and after sports
10 ice bags for medical purposes
10 ice bags for medical purposes and the treatment of injuries
10 ice pillows for medical purposes
10 imitations of breasts, penises or vaginas or other parts of the body
10 impactors for medical use
10 implantable medical devices
10 implantable medical devices for the gradual release of pharmaceutical preparations
10 implantable orthopedic hip prosthesis

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