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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 implantable subcutaneous drug delivery devices
10 implants
10 implants for the vertebra
10 incision trays for medical use
10 incontinence sheets
10 incontinence sheets for use with infants
10 incubators for babies
10 incubators for medical purposes
10 indicator tapes for medical purposes
10 inflatable mattresses for medical purposes
10 inflatable mattresses for orthopaedic purposes
10 infrared irradiation lamps for therapeutic and/or curative purposes
10 infrared lamps for medical use
10 infrared radiation appliances
10 infrared radiator units for therapeutic purposes
10 infrared thermometers for medical use
10 infusion columns
10 infusion pumps
10 inhalation face masks for surgical and dental use
10 inhalers
10 inhalers for the treatment of respiratory disorders
10 inhalers for use in administering pharmaceuticals
10 inhaling face masks
10 injection apparatus
10 injection pens for insulin, glucose meters for medical use
10 injection systems for the application of pharmaceutical preparations containing Beta-Interferons
10 injection units used for the treatment of immunological diseases
10 injector devices for growth hormones
10 injectors for medical purposes
10 insoles for orthopaedic shoes
10 instrument cases for use by doctors
10 instruments for clinical and medical laboratory use
10 instruments for dentistry
10 instruments for diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular disease
10 instruments for diagnosis and testing for pregnancy
10 instruments for diagnostic testing for detection of infectious diseases
10 instruments for endourological radiology
10 instruments for hygiene, orthopaedics and for the treatment and care of the feet and skin
10 instruments for inhaling pharmaceutical preparations and substances
10 instruments for in-vitro diagnosis for medical use
10 instruments for medical analysis and diagnosis
10 instruments for medical and homeopathic therapy
10 instruments for medical and veterinary purposes
10 instruments for medical testing and examination
10 instruments for placing bandages
10 instruments for skin care and slimming purposes
10 instruments for stereotactic and computer-aided surgery
10 instruments for the deposition of electromagnetic energy into tissue
10 instruments for the deposition of electromagnetic energy into tissue by means of microwave energy or radio frequency
10 instruments for the location and extra-corporeal treatment of concretions in the human body

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