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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 sphygmomanometers
10 sphygmotensiometers
10 spinal disc prostheses
10 spinal disc replacements
10 spinal implants
10 spinal implants comprised of artificial materials
10 spirometers
10 spirometers [medical apparatus]
10 spittoons for medical purposes
10 splints
10 splints for medical and surgical use
10 splints, surgical
10 spoons for administering medicine
10 spring guide wires
10 stands for ice bags for medical purposes
10 static electric therapy apparatus
10 steam inhalers
10 steam inhalers for medical use
10 stent delivery catheters
10 stent delivery systems
10 stent graft delivery systems
10 stent grafts
10 stents
10 step counting apparatus for use in physiotherapy
10 sterile face masks
10 sterile sheets, surgical
10 sterilized drapes for surgical purposes
10 sterilizing tongs for medical use
10 stethoscopes
10 stimulation devices for aiding in sexual arousal and sexual performance
10 stockings for medical purposes
10 stockings for varices
10 stockings for varicose veins for medical purposes
10 stomach pumps for medical purposes
10 stomach tubes
10 strait jackets
10 stretchers, wheeled
10 suction apparatus for nipples
10 suction catheters
10 suction handles
10 suction wands
10 sunbeds for medical use
10 sunlamps for medical use
10 support bandages
10 support bandages
10 support belts
10 support mattresses for medical use
10 support stockings
10 support stockings for healthcare purposes
10 support tights for healthcare purposes

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