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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 supportive bandages for joints
10 supportive bandages for knee, ankle, wrist, joint, chest and waist
10 supportive bandages for medical purposes
10 supportive bandages for the waist
10 supportive bandages incorporating cooling substances for application to the body
10 supportive bandages incorporating warming substances for application to the body
10 supportive bandages used to prevent injuries from exercise
10 supportive bandages used to protect knee, ankle, wrist or elbow joints
10 supportive bandages used to retain warmth and moisture for medical use
10 supports for flat feet
10 supports for medical use
10 surgical apparatus
10 surgical apparatus and instruments
10 surgical apparatus and instruments for use in urology
10 surgical apparatus for beauty treatment
10 surgical apparatus for incontinence
10 surgical apparatus for use during vitreoretinal surgery
10 surgical bougies
10 surgical caps
10 surgical catguts
10 surgical cutlery
10 surgical devices
10 surgical devices for use in optometry and ophthalmology
10 surgical devices used to treat wounds
10 surgical drapes
10 surgical drill guides
10 surgical drills
10 surgical ear piercing instruments
10 surgical endoscopes
10 surgical face masks
10 surgical face masks for medical and surgical purposes
10 surgical gloves
10 surgical gowns
10 surgical gowns for medical and surgical purposes
10 surgical implant apparatus
10 surgical implant instruments
10 surgical implants
10 surgical implants comprised of artificial materials
10 surgical implants comprised of artificial materials for therapeutic, cosmetic and esthetic surgery
10 surgical implants (made from metal, ceramics or artificial tissue)
10 surgical instruments
10 surgical instruments for gynecological use and female sterilization
10 surgical instruments for incontinence
10 surgical instruments for orthopaedic prostheses and orthesis, and for exoprosthesis
10 surgical instruments for orthopaedic use
10 surgical instruments for piercing ears
10 surgical instruments for use in computer-aided surgery
10 surgical instruments for use in orthopaedic procedures
10 surgical instruments for use in orthopaedic surgery
10 surgical instruments for use in spinal surgery

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