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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 surgical instruments for use in the implantation of orthopaedic joint implants
10 surgical instruments for use in vitreoretinal surgery
10 surgical instruments for use with spinal implants
10 surgical instruments used in arthroscopic procedures
10 surgical instruments used in arthroscopic surgery
10 surgical instruments used in connection with spinal disc and spinal implant surgery
10 surgical instruments used in connection with spinal implants
10 surgical instruments used in knee implant and knee reconstruction surgery
10 surgical instruments used in soft tissue repair
10 surgical masks
10 surgical mesh
10 surgical navigation systems for use in orthopaedic surgery
10 surgical robots
10 surgical screws used in arthroscopic surgery
10 surgical socks
10 surgical splints
10 surgical sponges
10 surgical sterile sheets
10 surgical suction apparatus
10 surgical threads
10 surgical trocar
10 suspension belts for rehabilitation purposes
10 suspensory bandages
10 suspensory stockings
10 suture anchors
10 suture anchors used in knee implant and knee reconstruction surgery
10 suture apparatus
10 suture instrument used in soft tissue repair
10 suture materials
10 suture needles
10 suture passer for rotator cuff repairs
10 suture passers
10 suture removal trays and wound closure instrument trays
10 sutures
10 sutures for surgical operation
10 sutures used in knee implant and knee reconstruction surgery
10 synthetic gloves for medical or dental purposes
10 synthetic gloves for medical, surgical or dental purposes
10 synthetic splints
10 syringe caps
10 syringe holders
10 syringes
10 syringes for applying proteins
10 syringes for blood drawing and blood preparation in the medical and veterinary sector
10 syringes for injections
10 syringes for injections and needles for medical use
10 syringes for medical purposes
10 syringes used to create motive force to deliver the sources to and from the delivery catheter
10 syringing apparatuses for medical purposes
10 table pads for medical purposes

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