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Class 31 - Feed & Seeds

Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt.

Class Class Name
31 fresh peanuts
31 fresh pears
31 fresh peas
31 fresh pine fruits
31 fresh pineapples
31 fresh plums
31 fresh potatoes
31 fresh pulses
31 fresh seaweed
31 fresh seaweeds
31 fresh seeds
31 fresh spinach
31 fresh strawberries
31 fresh sugar beet
31 fresh sugar cane
31 fresh sugar crops
31 fresh tomatoes
31 fresh vegetables
31 fresh weeds for human or animal consumption
31 fresh white fungus
31 fruit, fresh
31 fruit residue [marc]
31 garden herbs, fresh
31 garlic, fresh
31 ginger, fresh
31 grains
31 grains, all being health food other than for medical use; all being for animals
31 grains and seeds
31 grains [cereals]
31 grains for animal consumption
31 grains for foodstuffs
31 grapes, fresh
31 grass seeds
31 grasses
31 gravel paper for bird cages (litter)
31 groats for poultry
31 hay
31 hazelnuts, fresh
31 herrings, live
31 hop cones
31 hops
31 hops, unprocessed
31 horticultural products
31 juniper berries
31 koi carp, live
31 kola nuts
31 leeks, fresh
31 lemons, fresh
31 lentils, fresh
31 lettuce, fresh

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