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Class 31 - Feed & Seeds

Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt.

Class Class Name
31 lime for animal forage
31 linseed for animal consumption
31 linseed meal for animal consumption
31 litter for animals
31 litter peat
31 live animals
31 live aquatic products
31 live birds
31 live crayfish
31 live cuttlefish
31 live fish
31 live insects
31 live lobsters
31 live mammals
31 live marine animals
31 live pet animals
31 live pets
31 live plants
31 live plants and flowers
31 live poultry
31 live seafood
31 live shellfish
31 livestock fattening preparations
31 lobsters, live
31 locust beans, raw
31 maize
31 maize cake for cattle
31 malt for brewing and distilling
31 malt [not for food]
31 malt oats for animals
31 marc
31 mash for fattening livestock
31 meal for animals
31 menagerie animals
31 menagerie animals
31 millet
31 molluscs, live
31 mollusks, live
31 mushroom spawn for propagation
31 mushrooms, fresh
31 mussels, live
31 natural flowers
31 natural plants
31 natural plants and flowers
31 natural plants for landscaping and controlling the erosion, all being organically grown or prepared from natural plant products
31 natural turf
31 nettles
31 non-processed cereals
31 non-processed wood
31 nuts, unprocessed

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