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Class 34 - Tobacco Substitutes

Tobacco and tobacco substitutes; cigarettes and cigars; electronic cigarettes and oral vaporizers for smokers; smokers’ articles; matches.

Class Class Name
34 cigarettes
34 cigarettes containing tobacco and cloves
34 cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes
34 cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes
34 cigarettes filters
34 cigarettes for smoking
34 cigarillos
34 cigars
34 cigars containing tobacco and cloves
34 containers for cigarettes
34 containers for cigars
34 disposable butane gas lighters
34 electronic cigarettes
34 filter cigarettes
34 filter filaments for cigarettes
34 filter mouthpieces
34 filter-tip cigarettes
34 firestones
34 flavorings, other than essential oils, for tobacco
34 flavorings, other than essential oils, for use in electronic cigarettes
34 flavourings, other than essential oils, for tobacco
34 flavourings, other than essential oils, for use in electronic cigarettes
34 gas containers for cigar lighters
34 gas containers for cigarette lighters
34 gas lighters for smokers
34 hand rolling tobacco
34 herbs for smoking
34 holders for cigarette lighters
34 hookahs
34 hookahs
34 humidors
34 kretek cigarette
34 leather cigar cases
34 lighters for smokers
34 lighters for smokers and flints for use therewith
34 lighters for smokers of precious metal
34 lighters for smoking articles
34 lighters of precious metal
34 liquefied gas cylinders for smokers' lighters
34 liquid solutions for use in electronic cigarettes
34 manufactured tobacco
34 match holders
34 matchboxes
34 matches
34 moistening boxes for cigars
34 moistening boxes for tobacco
34 mouthpieces for cigarette holders
34 mouthpieces for cigarette holders for reducing nicotine or tar intake
34 mouthpieces of yellow amber for cigar holders
34 mouthpieces of yellow amber for cigarette holders

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