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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 34 - Tobacco Substitutes

Tobacco and tobacco substitutes; cigarettes and cigars; electronic cigarettes and oral vaporizers for smokers; smokers’ articles; matches.

Class Class Name
34 oral vaporizers for smokers
34 pipe bags
34 pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes
34 pipe holders
34 pipe racks for tobacco pipes
34 pipe stoppers
34 pipe tampers
34 pipe tobacco
34 pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes
34 pocket devices for rolling cigarettes
34 pocket equipment for rolling cigarettes
34 pocket machines for rolling cigarettes
34 pyrophoric lighters for smokers
34 raw tobacco
34 small cigars
34 smokeless tobacco
34 smokers' articles
34 smoker's articles of precious metal
34 smokers' ashtrays
34 smokers' pipes
34 smokers' requisites
34 smokers' sets
34 smoking implements
34 smoking pipes
34 smoking tobacco
34 snuff
34 snuff bottles
34 snuff boxes
34 snuff boxes of precious metal
34 snuff can holders
34 snuff cans
34 snuff pots
34 snuff tobacco
34 spittoons for tobacco users
34 substances for smoking sold separately or blended with tobacco [other than for medicinal or curative purposes]
34 tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders
34 tobacco
34 tobacco bags
34 tobacco cases
34 tobacco (excluding cigarettes)
34 tobacco for smoking
34 tobacco jars
34 tobacco, manufactured or unmanufactured
34 tobacco pipe cases of precious metal
34 tobacco pipe cleaners
34 tobacco pipe racks
34 tobacco pipe scrapers
34 tobacco pipe stands
34 tobacco pipes
34 tobacco pipes for reducing nicotine or tar intake

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