CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 maintenance and repair of ships and yachts
37 maintenance and repair of stacker vehicles
37 maintenance and repair of utilities in buildings
37 maintenance and repair of vacuum machines and vacuum pumps
37 maintenance and repair services relating to air cargo containers, pallets, and ancillary straps and nets
37 maintenance and repair services relating to buildings, constructions and civil engineering works
37 maintenance and repair services relating to industrial plants and power plants
37 maintenance and repair services relating to machinery
37 maintenance and upgrading of hardware installed in computer networks
37 maintenance of air-conditioning apparatus for industrial purposes
37 maintenance of aircraft and aircraft parts
37 maintenance of amusement machines and apparatus
37 maintenance of automobiles
37 maintenance of bath tubs, wash basins, toilet fittings and sanitary wares
37 maintenance of bathtub
37 maintenance of battery chargers and parts thereof
37 maintenance of bicycle parking apparatus
37 maintenance of boilers
37 maintenance of car radio systems
37 maintenance of chemical plants
37 maintenance of chemical processing machines and apparatus
37 maintenance of cinematographic machines and apparatus
37 maintenance of clocks
37 maintenance of computer hardware
37 maintenance of computers
37 maintenance of constructions and apparatus for use in mooring
37 maintenance of consumer electric appliances
37 maintenance of cooking apparatus for industrial purposes
37 maintenance of cooking pots and pans
37 maintenance of digital audio players, digital visual players and audio-visual players
37 maintenance of diving machines and apparatus
37 maintenance of electric apparatus
37 maintenance of electric lighting apparatus
37 maintenance of electric motors
37 maintenance of electronic machines and instruments
37 maintenance of fire alarms
37 maintenance of fishing machines and instruments
37 maintenance of fork-lift trucks
37 maintenance of freezing machines and apparatus
37 maintenance of gas water heaters
37 maintenance of gasoline station equipment
37 maintenance of glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus
37 maintenance of hardware installed in computer systems
37 maintenance of hauling engines and apparatus
37 maintenance of heating and air-conditioning systems
37 maintenance of heating installations and air conditioning circuits
37 maintenance of hydraulic loaders
37 maintenance of industrial dish washing machines
37 maintenance of industrial furnaces
37 maintenance of industrial washing machines

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