CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 maintenance of in-house audio-video systems
37 maintenance of integrated circuits manufacturing machines and systems
37 maintenance of jewellery
37 maintenance of laboratory apparatus
37 maintenance of laboratory apparatus and instruments
37 maintenance of lifting machines and apparatus
37 maintenance of loaders for harvesters
37 maintenance of loading and lifting cranes
37 maintenance of machine belts and couplings
37 maintenance of machines
37 maintenance of machines and machine tools
37 maintenance of motor vehicles
37 maintenance of motor vehicles for use in motor-sport events
37 maintenance of motors and engines
37 maintenance of radio and television systems
37 maintenance of radio telephones
37 maintenance of replaceable vehicle platforms
37 maintenance of road
37 maintenance of sanitary installations in aircraft
37 maintenance of telecommunications equipment and wireless communications equipment
37 maintenance of telecommunications systems and telecommunications networks
37 maintenance of vehicle chassis and traction vehicle
37 maintenance of vehicles, airplanes and power engines
37 maintenance of vehicles incorporating lifting apparatus and cranes
37 maintenance of watches
37 maintenance of water and storage tanks
37 maintenance, repair, reconditioning and refurbishing of land vehicles
37 maintenance services relating to telecommunications apparatus
37 maintenance services relating to audio and visual equipment
37 maintenance services relating to computer peripherals
37 maintenance services relating to computers
37 maintenance services relating to electric and electronic apparatus
37 maintenance services relating to machines for manufacturing printed circuit boards
37 maintenance services relating to photographic apparatus and instruments
37 management of construction projects
37 management of construction work
37 masonry
37 masonry services
37 mechanical engineering services (construction)
37 mining extraction
37 mining of diamonds
37 mining services
37 motor vehicle lubrication (greasing)
37 motor vehicle maintenance and repair
37 motor vehicle polishing
37 motor vehicle varnishing
37 motor vehicle washing and cleaning
37 motor vehicles repair
37 motorcycle cleaning
37 motorcycle lubrication

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