CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 providing information relating to cleaning services
37 providing information relating to construction
37 providing information relating to pest control services
37 providing information relating to repairs
37 providing information relating to the construction and repair of houses
37 providing information relating to the repair or maintenance of photographic machines and apparatus
37 provision of construction information
37 provision of construction information by electronic means
37 provision of information in relation to the installation, repair and maintenance of telecommunication apparatus and network
37 provision of information relating to building construction, repair and installation services
37 provision of information relating to civil engineering (construction)
37 provision of information relating to construction and repair
37 provision of information relating to furniture repair
37 provision of information relating to maintenance and repair
37 provision of information relating to supervision of building construction
37 provision of repair information
37 pumicing
37 pump repair
37 quarrying services
37 railway construction
37 railway vehicle maintenance
37 real estate and property development (construction)
37 real estate development services (construction)
37 rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed
37 rebuilding machines that have been worn or partially destroyed
37 redevelopment of buildings (construction)
37 refilling of ink cartridges
37 refilling of toner cartridges
37 refurbishment services
37 renovation and refurbishment services
37 renovation and restoration of buildings
37 renovation of buildings
37 renovation of clothing
37 renovation of properties
37 renovation, restoration and refurbishment of buildings
37 rental of apparatus and tools for construction, building, maintenance, repair, lifting, demolition and interior decorating
37 rental of building machines
37 rental of bulldozers
37 rental of bulldozers, excavators and construction equipment
37 rental of car-washing apparatus
37 rental of civil engineering machines
37 rental of cleaning equipment
37 rental of cleaning machines
37 rental of construction equipment
37 rental of construction equipment and tools
37 rental of construction machines and apparatus
37 rental of cranes [construction equipment]
37 rental of dish drying machines
37 rental of dishwashing machines
37 rental of drainage pumps

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