CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 motorcycle maintenance and repair
37 motorcycle restoration and inspection
37 office building construction
37 office cleaning
37 office construction services
37 office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair
37 oil and gas extraction
37 oil pumping
37 on-site building project management
37 on-site construction supervision
37 on-site construction supervision of structural and civil engineering works
37 on-site project management relating to the construction of airport
37 on-site project management relating to the construction of buildings
37 on-site project management relating to the construction of real estate
37 painting, interior and exterior
37 painting of building
37 painting of furniture
37 painting of machinery, plants and signs
37 painting of signs
37 painting or repair of signs
37 painting, restoration and repair of buildings
37 painting services relating to buildings
37 painting services relating to vehicles
37 paper hanging
37 parasol repair
37 pest control
37 pest control services for commercial and business premises
37 pest control services, other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry
37 photographic apparatus repair
37 pier breakwater building
37 pipeline construction
37 pipeline construction and maintenance
37 pipeline installation
37 pipeline maintenance
37 plant construction
37 plastering
37 plumbing
37 preparation of reports for construction purposes
37 pressing of clothing
37 pressing of clothing and other textile products
37 professional consultancy relating to construction, maintenance, restoration or demolition of buildings, structures or civil engineering works
37 project management relating to the construction, maintenance and repair of railways, railway tracks, railway roadbeds and buildings
37 project management services relating to building and civil engineering construction
37 project management services relating to building and construction
37 project management services relating to property construction
37 property development services (construction)
37 providing construction information
37 providing construction information
37 providing construction information online'
37 providing information relating to building construction and repair

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