CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 40 - Treatment of Materials

Treatment of materials; recycling of waste and trash; air purification and treatment of water; printing services; food and drink preservation.

Class Class Name
40 coating of metal articles and jewellery
40 coating of metal articles with abrasion resistant substances
40 coating of metal articles with polymers by powder coating
40 coating of metal articles with polymers by wet coating processes
40 coating of metal surfaces
40 coating of metallic and non-metallic articles with hardening substances
40 coating of metallic articles with hardening substances
40 coating of non-metallic articles with abrasion resistant substances
40 coating of non-metallic articles with hardening substances
40 coating of plastic surfaces
40 coating of semi-finished metal goods
40 coating of timber
40 coating of titanium oxide
40 coating of wires with plastic
40 coating of wires with rubber
40 coating services for fabric, glass and synthetic materials
40 coating with titanium nitride
40 colour separation services
40 consultancy in the field of wine making
40 consultancy, information and advisory services relating to treatment, coating and processing of timber
40 consultancy services relating to destruction of waste
40 consultancy services relating to the treatment of water
40 consulting and advisory services relating to printing
40 crease-resistant treatment for clothing
40 cryopreservation services
40 custom 3D printing for others
40 custom assembling of chips, semiconductors and integrated circuits for others
40 custom assembling of integrated circuits, masks and electronic or computer chips
40 custom assembling of materials for others
40 custom assembling of materials for others
40 custom assembly and manufacture of integrated circuits, printed circuit boards and electronic products
40 custom fashioning of fur
40 custom manufacture and assembly of electronic circuit boards
40 custom manufacture and fabrication of integrated circuits, computer chips and electronic equipment for others
40 custom manufacture of computers
40 custom manufacture of contact lenses for others
40 custom manufacture of electric communication apparatus
40 custom manufacture of electrical and solar-powered apparatus
40 custom manufacture of garments, threads, yarns, fabrics and textile products
40 custom manufacture of goods
40 custom manufacture of ink
40 custom manufacture of jewellery, precious stones, precious metals and goods in precious metals or coated therewith
40 custom manufacture of kitchen cabinets
40 custom manufacture of machinery for blasting metals
40 custom manufacture of metal moulds
40 custom manufacture of paperboard packaging containers for others
40 custom manufacture of paperboard packaging products
40 custom manufacture of plastic packaging containers
40 custom manufacture of plastic packaging products
40 custom manufacture of printed circuit boards

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