CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 40 - Treatment of Materials

Treatment of materials; recycling of waste and trash; air purification and treatment of water; printing services; food and drink preservation.

Class Class Name
40 custom manufacture of printing and stamping plates
40 custom manufacture of product labels for others
40 custom manufacture of semiconductor devices, wafers and integrated circuits
40 custom manufacture of semiconductor, integrated circuits and electronic systems
40 custom manufacturing and assembling of materials [for others]
40 custom manufacturing of batteries
40 custom manufacturing of bread
40 custom manufacturing of diamond, cubic boron nitride and polycrystalline products
40 custom manufacturing of domestic products
40 custom manufacturing of hardware for media services
40 custom manufacturing of industrial and household products
40 custom manufacturing of injection molded products
40 custom manufacturing of kitchen and domestic appliances, kitchen tools and utensils, and cookware
40 custom manufacturing of men's, women's and children's clothing
40 custom manufacturing of moulds for producing plastic or metal products
40 custom manufacturing of photo albums
40 custom manufacturing of plastic products
40 custom manufacturing of product prototypes
40 custom manufacturing of scale models of vehicles for land, air or water
40 custom manufacturing of semiconductors, integrated circuits, memory devices and computer hardware
40 custom manufacturing of sporting goods
40 custom manufacturing of stationery
40 custom manufacturing of textiles
40 custom manufacturing of yarns and thread for textile use
40 custom manufacturing services relating to clothing
40 custom tailoring
40 cutting of finished and semi-finished metal goods
40 cutting of metal and steel
40 decontamination of hazardous materials
40 destruction of waste
40 destruction of waste and trash
40 developing of films
40 developing of films for movies
40 developing of films for photographs
40 developing of photographic film
40 development of photographic films
40 development of photographic films and slides
40 development of slide films
40 digital photo printing
40 digital photograph enlargement services
40 digital photograph printing
40 disposal of industrial and chemical waste (treatment of waste)
40 disposal of waste from industrial processes (treatment of waste)
40 disposal of waste from water treatment installations (treatment of waste)
40 disposal of waste water from industrial processes (treatment of waste)
40 document binding
40 dressmaking
40 duplication of films
40 duplication of photographic film
40 duplication of photographs

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