CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 beauty parlour services
44 beauty salon services
44 beauty salon services
44 beauty services for the extension of hair and eyelashes
44 beauty spa services
44 beauty therapy services
44 beauty therapy treatment
44 beauty treatment (make-up, skin care and manicuring)
44 beauty treatment salon services
44 beauty treatment services
44 beauty treatment services for the face, limbs and body
44 beauty treatment services for the nails, face, limbs and body
44 behavioural therapy services
44 blood bank services
44 blood examination
44 blood testing services
44 body and face firming services
44 body and face lifting services
44 body and face treatment services
44 body and foot massage services
44 body and skin care services for cosmetic and hygienic purposes
44 body check services
44 body checkup and medical examination services
44 body firming treatment services
44 body fitness testing services
44 body massage, face massage and scalp massage services
44 body massage services
44 body paraffin treatment
44 body piercing
44 body slimming services
44 body treatment services
44 body waxing treatment
44 bone-setting services
44 breeding and fostering of animals
44 breeding of animals
44 brow and lash tinting
44 cardiac services (medical)
44 charitable services, namely, providing medical services to underdeveloped countries
44 charitable services, namely, providing medical supplies and medical services to those in need
44 Chinese medical clinic services
44 Chinese medical services
44 chiropractic
44 chiropractic services
44 clinic services
44 collation, compilation and provision of on-line information relating to medical and health care, beauty care, hair style and hair care
44 collation, compilation, provision and dissemination of on-line information relating to beauty and make-up
44 collection, testing and preservation of blood, blood components and stem cells
44 complementary and alternative health care services
44 complementary and alternative medical and therapy services
44 complementary and alternative medical services

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