CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 complementary and alternative medical services provided through a network of complementary and alternative medicine providers
44 consultancy and advisory services relating to Chinese medicine, health beverages and health food
44 consultancy and advisory services relating to the care of animals, birds and fish
44 consultancy in the field of viticulture
44 consultancy relating to cosmetics
44 consultancy relating to hearing clinics and audiology
44 consultancy services in the field of health care by Chinese medicine practitioners
44 consultancy services in the field of healthcare
44 consultancy services on pharmaceutical and health food products
44 consultancy services relating to beauty care
44 consultancy services relating to beauty treatments
44 consultancy services relating to body slimming
44 consultancy services relating to cosmetics
44 consultancy services relating to diagnostics, prophylactic and/or therapies
44 consultancy services relating to drugs and compounds having diagnostic, prophylactic and/or therapeutic properties
44 consultancy services relating to hair and beauty care
44 consultancy services relating to health care, nutrition, skin care, acupuncture, diet, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, naturopathy, osteopathy and relaxation therapy
44 consultancy services relating to health food and nutrition
44 consultancy services relating to healthcare
44 consultancy services relating to landscape gardening
44 consultancy services relating to medical and diagnostic imaging
44 consultancy services relating to surgery
44 consultation and advisory services relating to pharmacy
44 consultation and design services for landscaping and landscape gardening
44 consultation, information and assessment services relating to women's mental health and physical health
44 consultation relating to beauty care and hair dressing
44 consultation services in the field of healthcare, medical care and pharmaceuticals
44 consultation services relating to beauty care
44 consultation services relating to beauty treatment
44 consultation services relating to facial and body skin care
44 consultation services relating to hair removal treatment
44 consultation services relating to health food supplements and health care products
44 consultation services relating to medical services
44 consultation services relating to skin care
44 consultation services relating to the selection and use of cosmetics
44 consultation services relating to the selection and use of cosmetics, make-up, skin care preparations, hair care preparations and beauty treatment preparations
44 consultation services relating to the selection and use of cosmetics, toiletries and beauty treatment products
44 consultation services relating to the selection and use of hair products
44 consultation services relating to the use of beauty treatment products
44 consultation services relating to the use of cosmetics
44 consultation services relating to the use of cosmetics, perfumery, toiletries and beauty treatment products
44 consultations relating to medical diagnosis and treatment
44 consultations relating to pharmaceutical products and health care
44 consulting services in the field of agriculture, horticulture and forestry
44 consulting services relating to beauty parlours
44 consulting services relating to healthcare
44 convalescent and nursing home services
44 convalescent and rest homes
44 convalescent home services
44 convalescent home services

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